Posted by Sourdough on October 24, 2006 at 21:51:19:
> I like the album because it comes from the left
> spectrum of America.
> But the album's music is well played and includes
> more traditional
> themes and grooves from the country- rockabily
> universe of Caucasian
> America. (translaters note: I think she specifically mentions
> "White America" to
> distinguish it from the Hip-Hop or Latin music and
> culture that has
> also made its way to Europe. In other words, I
> don't think she's
> fixated on race. Probably a better translation
> would be
> "European-American" but even that isn't quite right
> -- it doesn't
> translate in context.)
> Highlights are the really good "sad and lonely"
> along with the hot
> track in which Hawkins, Twain and Emperor Norton
> have a discussion and
> are finally arrested by King Elvis himself because
> of their
> terrorist-like talk in opposition to the spirit of
> the Patriot Act, the
> strict law that was put into place after September
> 11th.